Career Guidance Programme
The Placement Cell & Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal and Tamil Nadu Job Awareness Centre, Madurai jointly organized a career guidance programme in the title of “Planning and learning about awareness programme for competitive examinations” on 23rd February 2023 (Thursday) in our College campus. Mr. V.K. Chamy, Instructor, Tamil Nadu Job Awareness Centre, Madurai was the resource person. He gave various guidelines like notification of examinations date, nature of examinations, eligibility criteria, read out of good study materials, preparation for the aptitude tests, continuous revision & practice, make notes from the newspapers, journals, magazines, websites, positive approach, etc., related to appearing in the competitive examinations.
Dr. N. Elamathi, IQAC Coordinator, Dr. B. Lakshmi, Placement Cell Officer and the members of Placement Cell Dr. C. Gobiya, Dr. R. Suba, Dr. Lalitha Easwaran, Mrs. P. Karthikeyani, Ms. M. Rekha, Mrs. V. Abirami, Mrs. A.P. Pavithra, Mrs. S. Mohanapriya and also all the final year students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) participated in that career guidance programme.