Release of English Department Magazine
A department magazine of the English (ENGLISH LIT 2.0 – The Magazine for book worms) was released by the Executive Director, Mrs. Arunaselvaraj, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal on 17.07.2023 in the presence of Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, the faculty of English Mrs. G. Kannagi, Mrs. L. Deepika, Mrs. R. Priyadharshini, Mrs. J. Evangelin, Ms. M. Rekha, Mrs. M. Saranya, Mrs. K. Gowrimala, Dr. K. Keerthana and Mrs. S. Gayathri.
This magazine is a wonderful creation of our emerging young writers – students of English. This department magazine ENGLISH LIT 2.0 consists of photographs and quotes of imminent English authors, months with their meanings, steps for success, idylls of people, general knowledge, etc., All the students and faculty are greeted in that magazine releasing ceremony.