The Tamil Nadu State Youth (Boys & Girls, Junior & Senior (Men and Women) Championship 2024-2025, will be held from 09th August 2024 to 11th August 2024 in the premises of Vellore Institute of Technology University, Katpadi Campus, Vellore

Best wishes to Ms. S. Preethi & Ms. M. Nandhini

The Tamil Nadu State Youth (Boys & Girls, Junior & Senior (Men and Women) Championship 2024-2025, will be held from 09th August 2024 to 11th August 2024 in the premises of Vellore Institute of Technology University, Katpadi Campus, Vellore.   

            Ms. S. Preethi, Second Year BCA and Ms. M. Nandhini, First Year B.Com., of our Trinity College for Women, Namakkal will take part.   Both are greeted.  

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