On behalf of the Road Safety Club, in association with the National Service Scheme, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal observed a road safety pledge today (05th August 2024). The Principal, The HOD’s, the faculty members and Students of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal took a pledge for the awareness of road safety.

Pledge of Road Safety

                On behalf of the Road Safety Club, in association with the National Service Scheme, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal observed a road safety pledge today (05th August 2024).    The Principal, The HOD’s, the faculty members and Students of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal took a pledge for the awareness of road safety.   

            Apart from that, an awareness programme on “safe transport is a precaution for road accidents” was held.  

                Mrs. V. Gokila, NSS Programme Officer (Unit 2) of the College read out the pledge and all the participants also said the oath.     She emphasized the need for and significance of observing traffic rules & regulations and saving precious lives lost because of road accidents.   Mrs. L. Deepika, Assistant Professor in English and Coordinator of the Road Safety Club proposed the vote of thanks.

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