The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal and National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi jointly organized a one day seminar entitled “Development of Higher Education in India” on 12th July 2019.
Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College presided over the programme. Er K. Nallusamy offered the felicitation address. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College welcomed the gathering. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director-Academic introduced the chief guest.
Dr. Sudhanshu Bhushan, Professor and Head, Department of Higher Professional Education, National University of Education Planning and Administration, New Delhi was the chief guest. India is the third largest higher education country after USA and China. According to survey of 2017, nearly 800 Universities are located in India. But, we are behind in higher education rather than developed countries. Despite the huge growth of higher educational institutions and technical colleges we are giving lakhs and lakhs of graduates in every year. Unfortunately, quality is a big question mark; he told. Our country’s higher education enrollment is just 26%. Out of 26%, 6% of women in India have been obtained higher education. In compare with other developing countries enrollment of higher education in India is very low. The gender gap is huge. He focused on women received lower level of higher education in compare with men. There is no uniform syllabus across the country. The variations of syllabi are inequalities. Owing to less quality of our skill-based educational output leads to less employability in our Country. Mr. Bhushan emphasized the urgent need of redefining our curriculum designing related more for entrepreneurship.
Prof. Mathew Anthony, Professor in NUEPA, New Delhi spoke in his special address, Change of our educational curriculum design is very need of the hour in our Country. We have to plan and form an expert’s syllabus framing committee from Central, State Governments, Universities and Colleges which help us to form a skill based educational system, and enable our students to get more employability. We also introduce New Research and Development in all fields.
Student’s discussion session related to higher education also held in that occasion.
Mr. K. Manoharan, Director – Training and Placement delivered the vote of thanks.
Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, Dr. N. Elamathi, Co-ordinator of IQAC, The HOD’s of various departments Dr. T.K. Anuradha (Tamil), Dr. R. Dhavamani (English), Mrs. K. Thangammal (Mathematics), Mrs. M. Sumathi (Physics), Mrs. N. Thangamani (Chemistry), Mrs. K. Valarmathi (Computer Science), Dr. G. Selvalakshmi (Commerce), Mrs. R. Navamani, Member-Senate, Periyar University & Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Mrs. A. Nithya, Director of Physical Education, Mrs. M. Vijayalakshmi, Librarian, The NSS Programme Officers Mrs. M. Sasikala, Mrs. S. Jayamathi, The YRC Programme Officer Dr. R. Savithiri, faculty members of various departments and more than 1500 students took part in that occasion.
NAAC – Revised Assessment and Accreditation
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal conducted a one day seminar programme entitled “NAAC – Revised Assessment and Accreditation” on 13th February 2021. The seminar proposed contemplating on the paradigm shift in higher education scenario and discussions were initiated on how the higher education sector can be restricted in consonance with the changed needs and aspirations. It also targeted the requirements in advancement of quality, reputation and establishment of credibility through students and faculty exchange programmes and other collaborations with high quality national and international higher level organizations.
Dr S Mahalakshmi, Assistant Professor in English, Arulmigu Palaniandavar College of Arts and Culture, Palani, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu state was the invited speaker. She explained the 7 criteria related to NAAC such as curricular aspects, learning evaluation, research, consultancy and extension, infrastructure & learning resource, student support and progression, governance, leadership & management, institutional values & best practices.
Dr N. Elamathi, Coordinator, IQAC of the College
welcomed the gathering. Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, The HOD of Computer Science Mrs. K. Valarmathi, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, the members of IQAC Mrs. G. Nithya, Dr. S. Devi, Dr N. Santhi, Dr B. Vishnupriya, Mrs. K. Mehala, Mrs. P. Nandhini and faculty members of all departments attended the event.
Mrs. M. Malathi, Assistant Professor in Computer Science delivered the vote of thanks.
Webinar on “Gender Equity – Concept and Reality”
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Asmita Forum and in collaboration with Women and Child Welfare Department of Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College (Affiliated to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwade University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra state), Kannad Tq, Aurangabad District, Maharashtra state organized a one day online national workshop entitled “Gender Equity – Concept and Reality” on 8th March 2021.
The Honourable Dr. Chetra Sonkamble, Interdisciplinary Dean OF Dr Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwade University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra state (B.A.M.U), The Honourable Shri Ashok Rao Aher, Vice-President, S.C.S.S.P Mandal, Kannad, Dr Arundhati Patil, Manavlok MSW College, Ambejogai, Beed, Advocate, Madhuri . Shivsagar, Parbhani and MS. S. Poornima, Assistant Professor in English, Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal were the resource persons. Ms. S. Poornima, AP of English of our College handled the topic of Enablement of Women.
She is greeted by Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, The HOD of English Dr. S. Latha, the faculty members of English Mrs. G. Kannagi, Mrs. A. Revathi, Ms. L. Deepika, Mrs. R. Banupriya, Mrs. P. Umabharathi, Mrs. S. Bharathi, Mrs. S. Malarkodi, Mrs. S. Sreevidhya and Mrs.R. Priyadharshini.
“Computer Literacy Programme for Non-Teaching Staff Members of Trinity College for Women”
The Department of Computer Science in cooperation with Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal conducted a one day event entitled “Computer Literacy Programme for Non-Teaching Staff Members of Trinity College for Women” on 24th April 2021 in the laboratory of Computer Science. Mrs.M. Malathi, Assistant Professor in Computer Science of the College was the resource person and she inculcated the some computer related topics like basic knowledge of MS Office, MS Excel, Internet Technologies, Browsing of computer, Sending and receiving of emails, Downloading the files and other basic computer skills both orally and practically.
All the office staff members and lab assistants of various departments took part in that programme.
“Understanding NAAC and its Preparation”
The IQAC in association with RDIC organized a webinar event in the title of “Understanding NAAC and its Preparation” on 04th June 2021. Dr. P.R. Ramakrishnan, Dean Cum Professor, School of Management and Commerce, VELS Institute of Science Technology & Advance Science, Pallavaram, Chennai was the chief guest. He elucidated the significance of AISHE reference code, IIQA (Institutional Information for Quality Assessment), AQAR (Annual Quality Assurance Report) and SSR (Self Study Report). In addition to he explained the various new procedures of Revised NAAC Accreditation including proceed to Data Validation & Verification process, preparation towards the SSS Student Satisfaction Survey, requirements of records at the time of peer team visit, etc.,
Er K Nallusamy, Secretary of the College presided over the programme. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College welcomed the gathering. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic offered his felicitation address.
Dr. N. Elamathi, Coordinator of IQAC, Mrs. R. Navamani, Assistant Coordinator of IQAC and Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer of the College made arrangements of that webinar. All the faculty members of Trinity College for Women took part in that virtual event.
Our College Internal Quality Assurance Cell in association with PG Department of Mathematics conducted a 4 day national level webinar event in the title of “TIPS AND TRICKS TO CLEAR UGC-NET/CSIR/SET EXAMINATIONS IN FIRST ATTEMPT” on the date (s) of 22nd July 2021, 23rd July 2021, 24th July 2021 and 25th July 2021 for the benefit of PG students. This webinar event was held through the video conferencing of Google Meet.
The details of resource persons of our College
Faculty Members of Tamil
1. Dr. R. Savithri, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Dip in Yoga, Ph.D., NET 2. Mrs. S. Jayamathi, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Dip. in Yoga, SET 3. Dr. A. Latha, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., M.A., Yoga, Ph.D., NET 4. Dr. J. Barathi, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET-JRF 5. Dr. B. Vishnupriya, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., SET 6. Mrs. S. Mythili, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., SET |
Faculty Members of English
1. Ms. S. Poornima, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., SET, NET 2. Mrs. P. Umabharathi, M.A., B.Ed., SET 3. Mrs. S. Bharathi, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., SET, NET 4. Mrs. S. Malarkodi, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., SET 5. Mrs. S. Sreevidhya, M.A., (Eng), M.A., (Yoga), M.A., (Edn.), B.Ed., BLIS,M.Phil., SET, NET |
Faculty Members of Mathematics
1. Dr. R. Malarvizhi, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., PGDCA., Ph.D., SET 2. Mrs. P. Nandhini, M.Sc., M.Phil., SET |
Faculty Member of Physics
1. Mrs. K. Mehala, M.Sc., M.Phil., SET |
Faculty Members of Computer Science
1. Mrs. A. Vijayasarathi, M.Sc., M.Phil., SET 2. Mrs. K. Mekala, M.Sc., M.Phil., SET |
Faculty Members of Commerce
1. Mrs. G. Sathiya Sangari, M.Com., M.Phil., Dip in Yoga, SET, NET 2. Mrs. G. Nithya, M.Com., MBA., M.Phil., M.A., Yoga, NET 3. Mrs. M. Rajapadmavathi, M.Com., M.Phil., SET |
Faculty Member of Chemistry
1. Dr. P. Vennila, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET Assistant Professor in Chemistry, Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College, Andagalur, Rasipuram – 637 401. |
More than 250 students in various places eagerly took part in that online event. All the above said resource persons are greeted.
“Administration, Accounting and Auditing outlook of charitable organizations in Tamil Nadu state”
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Research Development and Innovation Cell in support of PG and Research Department of Commerce, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal conducted an online webinar event in the title of “Administration, Accounting and Auditing outlook of charitable organizations in Tamil Nadu state” on 08th June 2021.
Mr. V. Manoharan, Assistant Audit Officer, Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department, Kanniyakumari District, Nagercoil was the resource person. Public Trust means an express or constructive trust for either a public religious or charitable purpose or both. It includes a temple, a math, a wakf, church, synagoga, agiary, etc., Audit is compulsory for all charitable firms, he said. Also, he explained the various Trust Act such as Accounting under Societies Registration Act, Accounting under Companies Act 2013, Accounting under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010, Account for Autonomous Bodies, Accounting for depending on activities of Hospitals, Medical Aid Society, Educational Institutions, Schools, Colleges, Hostels, Libraries and other non-profit organizations.
“Impact of lockdown on micro, small and medium scale industries”
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Entrepreneurship Development Cell & Research, Development and Innovation Cell in support of Post Graduate & Research Department of Commerce, Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal conducted an online event in the title of “Impact of lockdown on micro, small and medium scale industries” on 19th June 2021.
Mr. Sethuraman Sathappan, Chief Operating Officer, India, Emirates NBD Bank, Mumbai was the invited speaker. Micro, Small and Medium enterprises have been playing a key role in providing livelihood to millions of Indians. These enterprises contribute a third of India’s Gross Domestic Product and give employment to our 100 million of workers. Before the lockdown of Corona, many industrial areas used to be full of people. Now, these concerns are affected because of the COVI 19 Pandemic periods. India is still in the process of “Flattening the curve” of the Corona pandemic. However, it will be solved in the future. Now, many people in India have vaccinated Corona, he said.
“NAAC Awareness Programme (NAP) for Assessment and Accreditation”.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Research Development and Innovation Cell (RDIC) of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a Webinar Event on event 26th June 2021 (Friday) @ 4 pm. The title of the webinar – “NAAC Awareness Programme (NAP) for Assessment and Accreditation”. On this subject, Dr Siddalinga Swamy, Retd. Professor in History (Coordinator of Karnataka State Quality Assurance Cell) Karnataka was the resource person. He elaborated the various infrastructure facilities availability in college such as Language Lab, Modernising Computer Laboratory and Modern Library. Apart from that the importance of research development, green environment, green audit, solar power installation, periodically organizing seminars/conferences/workshops, Additional Facilities for Students like First Aid Room, Medical Facility, Banking, Etc., E certificate issued for all the participants.
2 week All India Faculty Development Programme
Our College Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, Edugroom India Foundation, Kochi, Kerala in collaboration with University Grants Commission-Human Resource Development Centre, Bhagat Pool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sonipet, Haryana state conducted a 2 week All India Faculty Development Programme from 01st July 2021 to 14 July 2021. On this subject, the inauguration function was held on 01st July 2021 @ 9.30 AM. Dr M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal welcomed the gathering. Mr. T.S. Sanjayan, Founder, Edugroom India Foundation, Kochi, Kerala introduced the chief guest. Prof. Dr. R.K. Anayath, H’ble” Vice-Chancellor, Bhagat Pool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sonipet, Haryana state delivered his inaugural address. The keynote address was given by Dr. Shafali Nagpal, Director – I/c, UGC-HRDC, Bhagat Pool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sonipet, Haryana state, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic of the College and Dr. T. Alagarasan, Associate Professor in English, Government Arts College (Autonomous) Salem offered their felicitation address.
On 14th July 2021, the valedictory function was held. Prof. Dr. B.K. Kuthiala, Chairman, Haryana State Higher Educational Council, Haryana was the chief guest. Prof. R.K. Anayath, Vice-Chancellor, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishva Vidyalaya, Haryana and Mr. Sivaguru Prabhakaran, Sub Collector, Padmanabhapuram, Kanniyakumari District were the special invitees. Dr. Shafali Nagpal, Director Incharge, UGC – HRDC, Haryana delivered her keynote address. Many participants from various states of India eagerly took part in that webinar event. Ms. S. Poornima & Mrs. G. Kannagi, Assistant Professors in English, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal spoke on that occasion.
Open discussion programme of Research and Development held in the premises of SASTRA University, Thanjavur on 26th October 2021.
Dr. V. Badrinath, Dean, Corporate Relations & Extension Activities, CUB- Dr Kalam Chair Professor of Management, SASTRA University, Thanjavur was the subject expert. He described various College development activities in particular importance of updating college website and wide coverage to attract more students, significance of creating of quiz club, English Communication Club, starting of NCC, vision and mission of all departments, conducting periodical career guidance programme, national and international level seminars for the benefit of students, focus for fast learners, More concentration to slow learners, appointment of mentor for student’s welfare, essentials of students feedback, organizing 2 week FDP, identification of staff and student empowerment, payment of students fee through the digital mode, preparation of SSR in good way. Focus on alumni old students, procurement of new library books, introduction of Information, communication and technology in all departments, follow up the benchmarking institutions for NIRF ranking, more concentration on research and development, necessity of introduction of B.Voc (Bachelor of Vocation Skilled Based Programmes) staff and students participation in SWAYAM courses, project proposal forward to the various funding agencies in regularly and so on.
Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary of the College, Mr. P. Muthusamy, IRS, Commissioner of Customs (Retd.), Dr. S. Arunachalam, Former Principal of Trinity College for Women, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Dr. T.K. Anuradha, Assistant Professor and HOD of M.A., Tamil, Dr. N. Elamathi, Assistant Professor and HOD of M.Sc., Computer Science & M.Phil., Computer Science, Dr. M. Sasikala, Assistant Professor and HOD of B.Com., & B.Com., CA, Mrs. R. Navamani, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of BCA & B.Sc., Computer Science, Dr.R. Malarvizhi, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of M.Sc., Mathematics and Mrs. S. Jayamathi, Assistant Professor in Tamil participated in that interaction programme.
Webinar on ““Introduction to Lithium Ion Battery and Electric Vehicle Applications”
The Post Graduate Department of Physics in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a one day webinar in the title of “Introduction to Lithium Ion Battery and Electric Vehicle Applications” on 29.10.2021.
Dr Selvakumar Sudhakar, Principal Scientist, CSIR – CECRI (Central Electrochemical Research Institute), Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu was the resource person. He described the various topics related to Lithium Ion Batteries like timeline battery, applications of batteries, secondary Lithium Ion Battery, structure of battery, cathode materials, advances in cathode materials and promising cathode materials.

Dr. B. Lakshmi, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Postgraduate – Physics welcomed the gathering.
The faculty members of Physics Mrs B. Kavitha, Dr. K. Mehala, Mrs. R. Sakunthaladevi, Dr.R. Poonguzhali and Dr.R. Sathiyapriya participated in that webinar event.
More than 100 Physics students took part.
Mrs. P. Sumathi, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Undergraduate – Physics proposed the vote of thanks.
“Basics and Importance of Mathematics to prepare competitive examinations”
The Post Graduate Department of Mathematics in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) conducted a 3 day Mathematics awareness programme in the title of “Basics and Importance of Mathematics to prepare competitive examinations” from 20.11.2021 to 23.11.2021 (Except the date of 21.11.2021) for the benefit of non-mathematics students of our College. This programme was held in the premises of our College mini seminar hall.
The details are as follows:-
S.No | Date | Time | Name & Designation of Resource person | Topic of the programme |
01 | 20.11.21 | 12 PM to 1 PM | Mrs. S. JeyanthiAP/MathematicsTrinity Collegefor Women. | Why is Mathematics called a queen of science? |
02 | 20.11.21 | 2 PM to 3 PM | Mrs. P. NandhiniAP/MathematicsTrinity Collegefor Women | In competitive examination what role does Mathematics play? |
03 | 20.11.21 | 3.15 PM to 4.15 PM | Dr. B. MohanapriyaaAP/MathematicsTrinity Collegefor Women | Easy way to prepare Mathematics for state/central Government Examinations |
04 | 22.11.21 | 12 PM to 1 PM | Mrs. K. GayathriAP/MathematicsTrinity Collegefor Women | Mathematics Vs Government Examinations Preparations |
05 | 22.11.21 | 2 PM to 3 PM | Mrs. B. LenaAP/MathematicsTrinity Collegefor Women | Why is Mathematics important while preparing for the TNPSC Examinations? |
06 | 22.11.21 | 3.15 PM to 4.15 PM | Dr. R. MalarvizhiAP/Mathematics &Head (PG) Trinity Collegefor Women | Role of Mathematics in preparation of Bank Examinations |
07 | 23.11.21 | 2 PM to 3 PM | Mrs. V. GokilaAP/MathematicsTrinity Collegefor Women | How to learn Basic concepts and problem solving skill in Mathematics |
08 | 23.11.21 | 3.15 PM to 4.15 PM | Dr. P. SaranyaAP/Mathematics & Head (UG) – Trinity Collegefor Women | Tips and Tricks to prepare Mathematics to crack Government Jobs. |
The above said faculty members of Mathematics of our College are greeted. Nearly 1100 students of our
College took part in that programme. 6 Attachments
Faculty Development Programme on Higher Education
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Institution’s Innovation Cell (ICC) of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a one day Faculty Development Programme in the title of “Role of IQAC in maintaining quality standards in higher education” on 11th January 2021.
Dr. P. Venkatesan, Principal, Vysya College, Masinaickenpatti, Ayodhyapattanam, Salem was the resource person. He explained the vision, mission of the College, curriculum development, teaching learning process, usage of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), enhancement of staff quality in higher education, focus on publication in leading journals, promotion of research and development, call attention to extension activities, usage of library e-resources, maintenance of students and staff records, significance to placement, organizing staff development programme periodically, improvement of technical and innovative education, social responsibilities, green audit, benefits of using solar energy and LED lighting and so on.
Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College, presided over the programme.
Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College welcomed the gathering.
Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary and Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director of the College offered their felicitation address.
Dr. N. Elamathi, IQAC Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.
More than 75 faculty members took part in that fdp event.
A workshop on “Role and contribution of ICT in higher education”
A workshop on “Role and contribution of ICT in higher education” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell and the Post Graduate Department of Computer Science of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal on 7th October 2021. Mr.P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College, presided over the programme. Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal & Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic of the College offered their felicitation address. Mrs. P. Umabharathi, Assistant Professor in English compiled the programme. Mrs. K. Mehala, Assistant Professor in Physics welcomed the gathering. Mr. V. Lakshmana Narayanan, Relationship Manager –Academic Operations, ICT Academy, Coimbatore was the special invitee. In his address, he pointed out that technology, modern ideas and innovations have been introduced in all departments, and Teaching jobs are no exemption. Globalization, Privatization and Liberalization have all resulted in globally enhanced educational methods. It’s inevitable in the present context that Teachers have to update themselves in their areas owing to world wide competition. He also proceeded to present on Teacher Development Technology, skill development, digital methods of education, research & development, memorandum of understanding with industries and so on.
The Relationship Manager –Academic Operations, ICT Academy, Coimbatore Mr. V. Prabhu, The Administrative Officer Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, the IQAC coordinator Dr N Elamathi & The Assistant Coordinator of IQAC Mrs. R. Navamani and also faculty members of our College took part in that programme.
Mrs. M. Malathi, Assistant Professor in Computer Science proposed the vote of thanks.
“Website Designing”
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Institution’s Innovation Cell in support of the Postgraduate Research Department of Computer Science organized a one day workshop entitled “Website Designing” on 05th January 2022. It was held in the premises of the Computer Science Laboratory of the College. Mr. J. Prabusankar, Director – JPIX Designs, Belur Main Road, Poosaripatti, Neermullikuttai, Vazhapadi Taluk, Salem District was the invited speaker. He explained the various importance of website development like coding of websites, along with front end design, technologies used for web development, including PHP, NET, JAVA, PYTHON, JAVA SCRIPT, Etc., More than 150 students got benefitted.
“We have known, there is none as sweet as Tamil Language (தமிழ் மொழி போல இனிதாவது எங்கும் காணோம்) on 7th December 2021 “
Owing to birth anniversary of Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiar (11th December 2021), The department of Tamil, Research, Development & Innovation Cell and Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a lyrics competition in the title of “we have known, there is none as sweet as Tamil Language (தமிழ் மொழி போல இனிதாவது எங்கும் காணோம்) on 7th December 2021. More than 100 students of our College have eagerly taken part. The following students of our College have procured top 3 places.
The details were as follows:-
S.No | Name of the student | Year & Degree | Place |
01 | Ms. S. Dhanyashri (ச. தன்யஸ்ரீ) | I BCA | First |
02 | Ms. P. Swathi (ப. சுவாதி) | III B.A., Tamil | Second |
03 | Ms. R. Aarthi (ர. ஆர்த்தி ) | III B.Sc., Chemistry | Second |
04 | Ms. R. Thavanithi (ர. தவநிதி) | III B.A., Tamil | Third |
05 | Ms. M. Sumaya Begam(மு சுமையா பேகம்) | II M.Sc., Physics | Third |
Dr R. Savithri, Assistant Professor & HOD of UG Tamil & Dr. J. Barathi, Assistant Professor in Tamil acted as “Competition Judges” of that event. Our College Chairman Mr. P.K. Sengodan gave away prizes and certificates to the above said students.
All the prize winners and the students’ participants are congratulated by Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Dr. T.K. Anuradha, Assistant Professor and HOD of PG Tamil, the faculty members of Tamil Mrs. S. Jayamathi, Dr. A. Latha, Dr. B. Vishnupriya, Mrs. S. Mythili, Dr. C. Gobiya, Dr. P. Pradeepa, Dr. R.A. Anitha and the syndicate member of Periyar University, Salem & Assistant Professor and Head, PG & Research Department of Commerce Dr. G.Selvalakshmi, the IQAC Coordinator Dr. N.Elamathi, Assistant Coordinator of IQAC Mrs. R. Navamani and the Administrative Officer Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar.
“E-Resources and its uses in Library” on 27.11.2021.
The Department of Library Science in association with IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) & NDLI – Club (National Digital Library India – Club) of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a webinar event in the title of “E-Resources and its uses in Library” on 27.11.2021. It was held through the platform of Google Meet. Mrs. K. Kalarani, Librarian, Sri Akilandeswari Women’s College, Vandavasi, Thiruvannamalai District was the resource person.
She explained the various kinds of e-resources like E-journals, E-books, CD/DVD’s, Databases, E-Conference Proceedings, E- Reports, E-Maps, E-Photographs, E-Newspaper, E-Thesis, E-Manuscripts, Internets/Websites, Newsgroups, Inflibnet and National Digital Library of India.
Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic welcomed the gathering. Mrs. V. Sathiya, Assistant Librarian proposed the vote of thanks.
More than 200 students attended that webinar.
The members of NDLI club Mrs. S. Usharani, Dr. L. Tamilselvi, Mrs. S. Mythili, Mrs. R. Sakunthaladevi, Mrs. S. Malarkodi, Mrs. A. Kavitha, Dr. R. Suba, Mrs. P. Nandhini, Mrs. K. Gayathri, Mrs. K. Punitha and Mrs. R. Rupa also took part in that webinar.
The NDLI Club in support of IQAC and Department of Library Science, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a webinar event in the title of “NDLI and utilization of electronic resources” on 04th February 2022.
The NDLI Club in support of IQAC and Department of Library Science, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a webinar event in the title of “NDLI and utilization of electronic resources” on 04th February 2022. It was held through the platform of Google Meet. Dr. N. Valarmathi, Librarian, Government Arts and Science College, Edappadi, Salem District was the resource person. Dr. M. Ganga, Assistant Professor in Chemistry compiled the programme. Mrs.S.Malarkodi, Assistant Professor in English welcomed the gathering. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College has explained about the needs of the digital library for our curriculum enhancement. Dr. N. Valarmathi explained the NDLI portal registration process. NDLI helps to benefit faculty members, librarians, research scholars, professionals, life long learners and disabled persons, she denoted the importance of NDLI.
Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College, presided over the webinar. Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary of the College offered his felicitation address. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director highlighted the usage of digital library. Dr. M. Selvi, Librarian of the College was introduced by the chief guest. The faculty members of the College Dr N. Elamathi, Mrs. S. Usharani, Dr. L. Tamilselvi, Mrs. P. Nandhini, Mrs. K. Gayathri, Mrs. A. Kavitha, Dr. R. Suba, Dr. R. Rupa, Mrs. K. Punitha, Mrs. P. Sathiya took part in that occasion. Mrs. R. Sakunthaladevi, Assistant Professor in Physics proposed the vote of thanks. More than 100 students took part in that online event.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Institution Innovation Council of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized an event in the title of “Indian Women – Past, Present and Future” on 21.05.2022. It was held in Trinity Auditorium.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Institution Innovation Council of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized an event in the title of “Indian Women – Past, Present and Future” on 21.05.2022. It was held in Trinity Auditorium. Dr. K. Santha Arulmozhi, Dean, Namakkal Government Medical College, Namakkal was the invited speaker. In the present time, men dominated society while women were secondary to them. At present, most of the women are greatly improved and they hold prestigious positions in the Government and Private leading concerns. In future, Indian women dominating the workforce ahd shaping as well as enhancing the future of the country, she denoted. More than 500 students took part. Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr.R. Kulandaivel, President, Trinity Academy Matric Higher SEcondary School, Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Treasurer, Namakkal Inner Wheel Club, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director- Academic, Dr. N.Elamathi, IQAC Coordinator and Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, IIC Incharges Mrs. B. Lena, Mrs. P. Sumathi, Mrs. N.Thangamani & Ms.S. Poornima took part in that occasion. This event was arranged by the coordinators and the members of IQAC and IIC.
The Department of Computer Science in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Institution’s Innovation Cell of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a one day programme entitled “Specialization of ICT in modern teaching and learning” on 04.05.2022
Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal was the special invitee. We live in a competitive world. At present, the education sector, especially higher education, is facing many challenges. Because of the pandemic period of COVID 19, our teachers were taking lessons via online methods. We change our teaching technology through modernization, he said. He explained the usages of ICT Smart classes for the staff members and the students also.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR Cell) jointly organized a one day programme entitled “Women rights and safety” on 06.06.2022 @ 2 PM.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR Cell) jointly organized a one day programme entitled “Women rights and safety” on 06.06.2022 @ 2 PM. It was held in the College Mini Seminar Hall.
Mrs. S. Sindhulakshmi, Lawyer, Namakkal District Court, Namakkal was the resource person. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College presided over the programme. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic delivered the welcome address. Dr. T.K. Anuradha, Assistant Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of Tamil introduced the chief guest.
Mrs. S. Sindhulakshmi described that women empowerment is the main instrument to expand women’s stability to have resources and to make strategic life choices. She has also stated that women have demanded equality with men in matters of education, employment, politics, inheritance and marriage. At present, husband and wife, both are employed. We must give importance to females, she insisted.
The faculty members of the College Dr. G. Selvalakshmi, Dr N. Elamathi, Mrs. B. Lena, Mrs. P. Sumathi, Mrs. N. Thangamani, Ms. S. Poornima, Dr. R. Malarvizhi, Dr. L. Tamilselvi, Dr. G. Sathiya Sangari, Mrs. S. Usharani, Dr. B. Vishnupriya and Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar attended that program.
Workshop on NAAC – 10.6.22 – PASAM
Workshop on NAAC:-
The organization of PASAM (Periyar University Affiliated Self Finance Arts and Science Colleges Management Federation), Salem and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Periyar University, Salem jointly organized a sensitization workshop entitled “Brainstorming discussion on “NAAC – Accreditation Challenges and Opportunities for Quality Enhancement Measures and Roadmap” for Colleges affiliated to Periyar University, Salem. It was held in the venue of VJ Pallazzio Hotel, Near AVR Roundana, Junction Main Road, Salem.
Mr. Muthuvel Ramaswamy, Secretary, PASAM welcomed the gathering. Mr. J. Rajendra Prasad, President, PASAM presided over the programme. Dr. N. Ramalakshmi, Joint Director of Collegiate Education, Dharmapuri Region delivered her special address. Gross Higher Education Enrolment Ratio is very high in Tamil Nadu state because of more roles of private colleges. As per the guidelines of UGC, NAAC is mandatory for all higher educational institutions. NAAC helps the institution in the allocation of resources. It helps in planning in the internal areas, she denoted.
The National Assessment Accreditation Council has introduced a new guideline that allows new higher educational institutions that have completed one academic year to apply for provisional accreditations. 7 criteria of NAAC assessment is very important. NAAC accreditation is beneficial to Colleges, faculty members, parents, students, alumni as well as College promoters, Dr. Prof. R. Jagannathan, Honourable Vice-Chancellor of Periyar University, Salem indicated in his inaugural address.
Dr. R. Venkatachalapathy, Director – IQAC, Periyar University, Salem presented his keynote address. Each and every college knows their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. At present, documentation of NAAC work is very easy in comparison with previous years. Earlier on, we had to fill up the 96 metrics for affiliated colleges. Now it has reduced to 55, he said. Apart from that he gave some tips on preparation of 7 criterias of NAAC.
Dr. A.K. Ramasamy, Secretary, Bharathiar Educational Institutions, Deviyakurichi, Attur, Salem District, Dr. P. Selvaraj, Chairman, Selvam Educational Institutions, Namakkal spoke on that occasion.
On behalf of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic and Dr. N. Elamathi, Coordinator of IQAC took part in that occasion. More than 250 No’s of College Promoters (Correspondent, Chairman and Secretary), Principals and IQAC coordinators attended that programme. Mr. P. Shanmuga Vadivel, Treasurer, PASAM proposed the vote of thanks.
KARUR VANAVIL PLUS TELEVISION – Institution Innovation Council (IIC) & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a live programme in the title of “Let’s read……May succeed” (படிக்கலாம் ……..ஜெயிக்கலாம்) – on 20th June 2022
Awareness Programme for plus students (20.06.2022)
Institution Innovation Council (IIC) & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a live programme in the title of “Let’s read……May succeed” (படிக்கலாம் ……..ஜெயிக்கலாம்) – on 20th June 2022.
(The title of the Programme – “Impress on women’s mind about the Department of Costume Design and Fashion & Department of Nutrition and Dietetics” – மகளிர் மனம் கவரும் ஆடை வடிவமைப்பு துறை மற்றும் ஊட்டச்சத்து துறை)
This live telecast programme was held on 20.06.2022 (From 7 pm to 8 pm) on the local television of Vanavil Plus, Coimbatore Road, Karur.
Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director- Academic, Mrs. K. Punitha, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Costume Design & Fashion and Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal have talked about the scope of the study, higher studies, employment opportunities, course eligibility criteria, etc., in the departments of Costume Design & Fashion and Nutrition & Dietetics.
Beside that Mrs. V. Archana, Director of Physical Education and Ms. K.P. Theepika, Assistant Professor in Costume Design and Fashion of our College participated.
This programme was telecasted in the areas of Karur, Kulithalai, Aravakurichi, Pallapatti, Krishnarayapuram, Chinnadharapuram, Thogaimalai, Kadavur, Noyyal, Velayuthampalayam, Manmangalam, Vangal, Thennilai, Ka. Paramathi, etc.,