Trinity Women’s Forum of our College conducted a one day awareness programme entitled “Challenges faced by Adolescent Girls” on 17.02.2020 in our College campus. In the age of globalization, adolescent girls frequently fight with certain specific challenges, issues like gender discrimination, eve-teasing, drug abuse, alcoholism, trafficking, early marriages, adolescent pregnancy, rape and cyber crimes are quit rampant this present day. Around 1.2 billion people or 1 in 6 of the world’s population, are adolescents aged 10 to 19. 21% of Indian population is adolescent. In world wide, 600 million adolescent girls go on to face vast challenges to access their right to an education while 130 million girls are still out of school. Because of creating awareness among our College adolescent girl students, this event was held.
Our faculty members spoke in various topics. These were
Name of the topic | Topic Handled by | |
1 | Hormonal changes in teenage girls | Dr. N. Santhi, AP/ Chemistry |
2 | Problems of marriage under 18 years – Motherhood-Laws-Problems faced in Love Marriage | Dr. J. Barathi, AP/Tamil |
3 | Relationship of family – Plan for the future – Effects on Society | Mrs.R. Navamani, AP/Comp. Sci |
4 | Feminism-Self confidence- Empowerment –Personality Development Growth of Knowledge | Dr R.Dhavamani, HOD of Eng |
More than 200 students took part in that programme.
world women’s day programme
International Women’s Day is a universal day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
As part of commemoration of International Women’s Day, our College Trinity Women’s Forum has organized an event entitled “Will you cross the skies for me?” (விண்ணை தாண்டி வருவாயா ?” on (Friday) 6th February 2020 (Friday) at 2.45 Pm in our Trinity Auditorium. On this subject, Inspector General of Registration, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai / Former District Collector of Kanniyakumari District, Nagercoil / Kalpana Chawla Awardee Mrs. B. Jothi Nirmala Samy, IAS, was the chief guest.
During the event Mrs. Jothi Nirmala Samy,, addressed that their should be a balance between career and family and without a family help and support a women cannot achieve victory and success, also addressed that women should know their rights to defend themselves and be cautious against women. More than 1500 students as well as 70 faculty members of our College took part in that nice occasion.
Dr M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal welcomed the gathering. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic introduced the chief guest.
Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr.R. Kulandaivel, President, Trinity Academy, Mr. D. Chandrasekaran, Secretary, Trinity Academy, Dr. Malliga Kulandaivel, Thangam Hospital world women’s day 6.JPG.
Dr. Kavitha Saravanakumar, Saravana Hospital, Namakkal, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, The coordinators of Trinity Women’s Forum Dr. J. Barathi & Dr. N. Santhi participated in that event.
Declaring that February 24, which marks the birth anniversary of former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Dr J.Jayalalithaa, is observed as the “State Girl Child Protection Day”. The Co-ordinators of Trinity Women’s Forum of Trinity College for Women administered an oath at the college premises on 24.02.2020. Beside that the following programmes were held.
1. Mrs. G. Gnanarathinam, M.Sc., (Yoga), Trainer, Sivanandha Yoga Research Centre, 3/304, Yoga Nagar, Swamy Sivananda Road, Thanakkankulam, Madurai spoke on the topic of “Spirit of Women” (பெண்களின் மனநிலை ).
2. Dr. J.Barathi, Assistant Professor in Tamil, Trinity College for Women delivered the topic of “Protection of the girl Child” (பெண் குழந்தைகளின் பாதுகாப்பு ) Dr. N. Santhi, Assistant Professor in Chemistry welcomed the gathering and Ms. A. Dalini, I M.A., Tamil proposed the vote of thanks.More than 300 students attended that programme.
“Opportunities for women entrepreneurs in current scenario”
Entrepreneurship Development Cell of our College conducted women empowerment programme entitled “Opportunities for women entrepreneurs in current scenario” on 24.02.2020 in our college Trinity Auditorium. Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College inaugurated that event. Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary presided over the programme. He highlighted the significance of women entrepreneurs for our nation’s growth. He focused the various financial facilities with irons in the fire for women industrialists.
Dr M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College welcomed the gathering. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic introduced the chief guest. Dr. G. Selvalakshmi, Co-ordinator of Entrepreneurship Development Cell denoted the activities of EDC for the past seven years.
Mrs. V. Sakunthala, Deputy Director, District Industries Centre, Namakkal was the resource person.
Women constitute more or less half of the Indian population, who have significantly contributed in India’s social progress even though they were kept outside any formal power and profit centre for a long time. We need entrepreneurs for our developments of society. Especially, we encourage our women entrepreneurs. India needs more job creators than job seekers, she reiterated. The main aim of schemes of Central Government’s like Make in India, Stand up India Scheme and Start up India Scheme are encouraging entrepreneurs, she indicated.
The District Industries Centre (DIC) was established by the Central Government of India in 1978 with the aim of contributing a focal point for boosting small, tiny, cottage and village industries in a particular area. The finances for setting up District Industries Centre’s in a state are shared equally by the particular State Government and the Central Government of India. The entrepreneur willing to register in the DIC’s should be or above the age of 18 years and the maximum age are 45. The minimum qualification is 8th standard enough. If we get financial assistance from DIC, 5% should be own contribution and the remaining 95% will be adopted by DIC. At present all the transactions including submission of applications are through the online mode (, she brought out.
Dr. M. Sasikala, Assistant Professor in Commerce delivered the vote of thanks. Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, Mrs. R. Navamani, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, the faculty of Commerce Mrs. G. Nithya, Dr. L. Tamilselvi, Dr. S. Devi and Mrs. K. Amutha attended in that event.
More than 700 students took part in this programme. 2 Attachments
International women’s day was celebrated from 03.03.2020 to 09.03.2020 in our College campus.
Under the auspices of NSS, International women’s day was celebrated from 03.03.2020 to 09.03.2020 in our College campus. On this subject, the following events were held. The details were:-
நாள் (Date) | நிகழ்ச்சி குறித்த விபரம்(Details of Competition) | நிகழ்ச்சிக்கான தலைப்பு(Title of the Competition) | நிகழ்ச்சியினை நடத்துபவர்கள் (Programme is organized by) |
03.03.2020 (Tuesday) | கவிதைப் போட்டி (Lyrics Competition) | பெண் தொழில் முனைவோரை கொண்டாடுவோம்(Celebrating Women Entrepreneur) | நாட்டு நலப்பணித்திட்ட அமைப்பு (National Service Scheme) |
04.03.2020 Wednesday | கட்டுரைப் போட்டி(Essay Writing Competition) | இந்திய அரசியலில் மகளிரின் பங்களிப்பு(Women’s participation in politics) | நாட்டு நலப்பணித்திட்ட அமைப்பு (National Service Scheme) |
05.03.2020 – Thursday – | பேச்சுப் போட்டி (Elocution Competition) | மகளிர் நிலை – நேற்று, இன்று, நாளை(Women’s Status – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) | நாட்டுநலப்பணித்திட்ட அமைப்பு (National Service Scheme) |
06.03.2020 Friday- | ஓவியப் போட்டி (Drawing / Painting Competition) | இந்தியாவில் பெண்ணியமும் மகளிர் உரிமையும்(Feminism and Rights of Women in India) | நாட்டுநலப்பணித்திட்ட அமைப்பு (National Service Scheme) |
07.03.2020 Satur day | நடன நிகழ்வு(Dance Programme) | பெண்மையைப் போற்றுவோம்(Let’s Celebrate Feminism) | நாட்டுநலப்பணித்திட்ட அமைப்பு (National Service Scheme) |
09.03.2020 Monday | பட்டி மன்ற நிகழ்வு (Debate) | பெண்களால் இந்த சமுதாயம் வளர்ச்சி பெற்றுள்ளதா அல்லது தளர்ச்சி கொண்டுள்ளதா (Is this society – developed by women? or undeveloped by women?) | நாட்டுநலப்பணித்திட்ட அமைப்பு (National Service Scheme) |
More than 300 students took part in that above said programmes.
This programme (s) were conducted by the NSS Programme Officers Dr M. Sasikala and Mrs. S. Jayamathi.
All the participants are congratulated.
International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day was celebrated by the students and the faculty members of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal with great enthusiasm. It was held through the Google meet on 22.06.2020. Mrs. G. Gnanarathinam, Director and Trainer, Ruthran Yoga Centre, Namakkal was the resource person. The title of google meet was Yoga in the lap of luxury. Yoga provides in keeping our physical and mental health intact. It supports us to link to nature. In addition, our body becomes more flexible after consistent yoga practice. Yoga helps us self discipline and self control, she indicated. This programme was organized by the NSS Cell of the College. Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, Mrs. R. Navamani, Assistant Professor in Computer Science and the NSS Programme Officers Dr M. Sasikala, Mrs. S. Jayamathi have congratulated all the participants and conveyed the wishes of international day of yoga.