Dept of Nutrition and Dietetics

“Healthy Food for Healthy Life”

The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics in association with NSS, YRC and RRC organized a one day webinar on “Healthy Food for Healthy Life” on 4th December 2020.  It was held through the web based Google Meet.              Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal  delivered a talk.  
            A healthy diet may help to prevent and save certain long term diseases like diabetes, knee pain, stroke, heart disease and on and on.   It may also help to reduce our risk of up and coming cancers and help us to keep a healthy weight, she enunciated. 
            Drinking plenty of water, especially natural coconut water, fruit juice, milk and water of palm fruit are very essential in our body strength, she reiterated.   Reduction of salt in our food, consume more vegetables, fruits and cereals are the very important food items for our health strength, she inculcated.                More or less 100 participants took part in that occasion.   
              Welcome Address delivered by Principal Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Felicitation Address given by Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary and Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director –Academic of the College.  
             Dr. R. Savithri, Programme Officer of Youth Red Cross proposed the vote of thanks.   Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Programme Officer of Red Ribbon Club, Dr. M. Sasikala, Programme Officer of National Service Scheme (Unit 1) and Mrs. S. Jayamathi, Programme Officer of National Service Scheme (Unit 2) made preparation for that webinar event.  
Dr. N. Elamathi, Assistant Professor in Computer Science/Co-ordinator of R & D Cell, Mrs. R. Navamani, Assistant Professor in Computer Science/Coordinator of Alumni Forum, Dr. G. Sevalakshmi, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Commerce / Senate Member, Periyar University, Salem were also taking part in that webinar event.   

“Obesity from adolescents: Reasons, effects, outcomes and remedies”

The month of September is celebrated as Nutrition Month or ‘Poshan Maah’.  The NSS, YRC and RRC in collaboration with the Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal conducted a Nutrition Cognizant Event.   

            Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics , Trinity College for Women, Namakkal delivered a lecture to generate awareness about the threats of obesity for adolescent youth on the topic “Obesity from adolescents: Reasons, effects, outcomes and remedies” on 03.09.2021.   

Mrs. V. Gokila, Assistant Professor in Mathematics delivered the welcome address. 

Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College, presided over the programme.  

Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal and Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic offered their felicitation address.  

 Dr. M. Sasikala & Mrs. S. Jayamathi, NSS Programme Officers, Dr. R. Savithri, YRC Programme Officer, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer and Dr. G. Selvalakshmi, Syndicate Member, Periyar University took part in that occasion.    

“Your health is an investment not an expense”

The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Namakkal Kavignar Ramalingam Government Arts College for Women, Namakkal organized a 3 day online inter-collegiate meet event in the heading of “Your health is an investment not an expense” on 13th September 2021, 14th September 2021 & 15th September 2021.   On account of National Nutrition Month (September 2021), this event was held. 

The competition details were as follows:-

S.NoDateName of the competitionTopic of the competition
011309.2021Recipe PresentationRecipe rich in immune boosters with display
0214.09.2021PowerPoint PresentationRole of Antioxidants for school going children
0315.09.2021Poster PresentationDeficiency Disorder in zinc of iron

Lists of our College participants were as follows:-

S.NoName, year  & Degree of studentAchievements
01Ms. K. Sanjana, II B.Sc., Nutrition & Dietetics3rd Prize in Poster Presentation
02Ms. V. Lavanya, II B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsParticipated
03Ms. K. Nandhika,  II B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsParticipated
04Ms. A. Nandhini,  II B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsParticipated
05Ms. V. Prabhavathi, II B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsParticipated
06Ms. S. Sushanthini, II B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsParticipated

Ms. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics and all the above mentioned students are greeted. 

“Lecture and Demonstration of Biochemical Techniques”

The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal organized a one day offline event in the title of “Lecture and Demonstration of Biochemical Techniques” on 11.12.2021.  It was held in the premises of the laboratory of Nutrition and Dietetics.  Ms. R. Poovizhi Selvi, Head & Assistant Professor-Dept. of Nutrition & Dietetics, KSR College of Arts and Science for Women, Tiruchengode, Namakkal District was the resource person.  

  She nicely demonstrated blood collection techniques, centrifugation of blood components, preparation of stained blood smear, hematocrit determination, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, blood group estimation and delivered informative lectures about various biochemical assays. 

Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman of the College, presided over the programme.  Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal and Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic spoke on that occasion.  Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Ms. E. Kavya, Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics & Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer made arrangements for that event.  

Observance of Folic Acid Awareness Week – (05.01.2022)

Because of observance of Folic Acid Awareness Week, Indian Medical Association – Women’s Doctor’s Wing, Namakkal in association with department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institution’s Innovation Cell, Red Ribbon Club, Youth Red Cross, National Service Scheme and Trinity Women’s Forum of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal jointly organized a “Folic Acid Awareness Programme – Adolescent and Nutrition” on 5th January 2022.      Dr. A. Kavitha Saravanakumar, Chairman – Namakkal Indian Medical Association, Women’s Doctors Wing, Namakkal was the special invitee.   Females who are pregnant or might become pregnant take folic acid to prevent serious birth defects like spina bifida.  Women need 400 micrograms of Folic Acid every day.  The B vitamin folic acid helps prevent birth defects, she said.   In this regard, a poster competition event was held on the topic of “Folic and Acid Awareness” on that day.  The prize winners were

Name of the studentYear & DegreePlace
1Ms. K. SanjanaII B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsFirst
2Ms. V. PrabhavathiII B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsSecond
3Ms. B. GowmithaI B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsThird

 The special invitee Dr. A. Kavitha Saravanakumar gave away prizes and certificates to the above said prize winners.   More than 200 students participated.  Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, The faculty member of Nutrition and Dietetics Ms. E. Kavya, The NSS Programme Officers Dr. M. Sasikala & Mrs. S. Jayamathi, The YRC Programme Officer Dr. R. Savithri, The RRC Programme Officer Mrs. V. Gokila,  The IQAC Coordinator Dr. N. Elamathi, The President of Alumni Forum Mrs. R. Navamani, The Coordinator of Entrepreneurship Development Cell Dr. G. Selvalakshmi,  The officials of  Institution’s Innovation Cell Mrs. B. Lena, Mrs. P. Sumathi, Mrs. N. Thangamani, Ms. S. Poornima, the coordinators of Trinity Women’s Forum Dr. J. Barathi & Dr N. Santhi, The Administrative Officer Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar and more or less 300 students took part in that occasion.   
Attachments area

Inauguration of Modernized Food Lab for Nutrition & Dietetics students:-

       A modern food lab was inaugurated in Trinity College for Women, Namakkal on 1st April 2022.   It will be very beneficial to our students of Nutrition & Dietetics.   This lab is very useful to gain practical knowledge in the subjects of food science, food processing,  human nutrition, nutraceuticals, food quality control, food product development, bakery science, food microbiology, food sanitation and  hygiene, public health nutrition and food preservation. 

Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Ms. E. Kavya, Assistant Professor in Nutrition & Dietetics, Mrs. K. Punitha, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Costume Design and Fashion, Ms. K.P. Theepika, Assistant Professor in Costume Design and Fashion and the students of Nutrition & Dietetics attended in that inauguration programme.

Inter-collegiate Meet & Nutrimission – 2022

The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Namakkal Kavignar Ramalingam Government Arts College for Women, Namakkal organized an “Inter-collegiate Meet & Nutrimission – 2022” on 26.04.2022.  The theme of the programme – Healthy Eating and Active Living.  In this regard, 5 students of the Nutrition and Dietetics department of our College (Trinity College for Women, Namakkal) have enthusiastically taken part.

The details were as follows:-

S.NoName of the studentYear and DegreeName of the competition.
01Ms. K. NandhikaII B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsRecipe Presentation
02Ms. A. NandhiniII B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsRecipe Presentation
03Ms. S. SushanthiniII B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsRecipe Presentation
04Ms. B. GowmithaI B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsVegetable Jewellery Making & Brochure Making – obtained 3rd prize
05Ms. N. YuvasriI B.Sc., Nutrition & DieteticsVegetable Jewellery Making & Brochure Making 

The Principal I/c. of NKR College of Arts and Science For Women, Namakkal  Dr. D. Barathi and the HOD of Nutrition and Dietetics Dr. R. Sujatha spoke on that occasion. Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head & Mrs. E. Kavya, Assistant Professor in Nutrition & Dietetics of our College were caretakers.   All the participants are greeted.  

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