IPR Awareness Webinar
On behalf of the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Tamil Nadu state, conducted a one-day webinar programme titled “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” on 04th December 2024.
It was held through the virtual platform of zoom.
The theme of the webinar is ‘Protecting creativity, powering progress: The Role of Intellectual Property in Innovation”.
The resource persons explained the various topics like the need for Intellectual Property Rights, the Significance of filling IPR at the Indian Patent Office, the Role of EDII – TN – Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre, etc.,
Apart from that, they gave information about the rules, regulations and rights of Intellectual Property Rights and the protection of inventions in the fields of literacy, industrial, scientific, artistic, etc., IPR’s include copyrights, patents, marks and trade secrets, etc., they also pointed out.
On behalf of Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal,
Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal took part.