Best wishes to Ms. S.G. Shrinithi
Our Tamil Nadu Women’s Under 19 cricket team won the championship and obtained the BCCI Women’s under 19- T20 Trophy, 2024-2025.
Ms. S.G. Shrinithi, second year B.Com.,, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, played in the team Eleven, on behalf of our Tamil Nadu state team, she actively performed as an “All Rounder” in those matches.
In continuation, the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association, Chennai arranged the felicitation function on 28th December 2024 at Sri Raman Hall, M.A., Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai. Ms. S.G. Shrinithi was greeted by the President of the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association, Mr. P. Ashok Sigamani, The Honorable Secretary Mr. R. Palani, The Honorable Treasurer Mr. T.J. Srinivasaraj, The Vice-President Mr. Adam Sait, The Honourable Joint Secretary Mr. K. Shivakumar and Mr. R.N. Baba, Honorable Assistant Secretary.
In college, prolongation, Er. K. Nallusamy, Chairman, Er. S. Selvaraj, Secretary, Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Dr. M. R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Coordinator – Silver Jubilee Celebrations, Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer, The HOD of Commerce Dr. M. Sasikala, The Physical Director Mrs. V. Archana and the faculty members and students of the College conveyed their good wishes to Ms. S.G. Shrinithi for her continuous achievement.