Honour to the physically handicapped women entrepreneur
Owing to the international day of persons with disabilities, the National Service Scheme and Equal Opportunity Cell, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal honoured the physically disabled women entrepreneur Mrs. S. Sumathi, Servadi village, Vaniyambadi, Mallur, Salem District. It was held on 05th December 2024. By her own initiative, she is currently doing entrepreneurship and selling pens and other stationery goods. On behalf of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, the Principal, Faculty Members and the Students conveyed their best wishes to her for her entrepreneurial business activities. Many students as well as faculty members of the college eagerly purchased pens from the physically challenged female business person, Mrs. S. Sumathi.
The NSS Programme Officers Dr. M. Sasikala, Mrs.V. Gokila and Dr. R.A. Anitha, Coordinator, Equal Opportunity Cell of the College made arrangements.