Programme on “Therapeutic Potential Millets”
The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, conducted an awareness programme titled “Therapeutic Potential Millets” on 19th December 2024 in the College campus.
Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, presided over the programme. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Coordinator – Silver Jubilee Celebrations Committee offered the felicitation address.
Dr. K.C. Arun, District Designated Officer, Food Safety Department, Namakkal, was the chief guest. He elucidated the significance of millet consumption as it helps in safeguarding cardiovascular tissues thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Dr. Andrew K. Nagarajan, Executive Chef, CJ Pallazzio, Salem was the special invitee. He shared the health merits of millets. The consumption of millet will help to bring down non-communicable diseases considerably as it includes high quantus of calcium, iron and protein, he said.
Mrs. R. Rupa, Assistant Professor and Head, the faculty of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ms. P. Sri Renugadevi, Mrs. R. Vanitha and Ms. R. Srivarsini made arrangements.
This programme was compiled by Ms. D. Manju, second year B.Sc., Nutrition and Dietetics. Ms. P. Vedha, final year B.Sc., Nutrition and Dietetics of the college proposed the vote of thanks.
In addition, the students of Nutrition and Dietetics, Computer Science, Commerce and English of the College exhibited the Millet Food Products on that day. Ms. C. Kiruthika, final year B.Sc., Nutrition and Dietetics of the College got the first place, Ms. S. Libika, first year B.Sc., Nutrition and Dietetics of the College obtained the second place and Ms. A. Nandhini, III B.Sc., Nutrition and Dietetics & Ms. A. Preethi, first year B.Sc., Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) secured the third place in that competition.