Origami activity – conducted by the department of Physics
The Department of Physics, in association with the Galaxy Sparkle Club – 2024, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal conducted “Origami Activity” on 17th December 2024 in the Einstein Laboratory, Department of Physics.
Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal inaugurated the programme. All the students of Physics participated in this Japanese creative venture with great zest, zeal and high spirits.
With the help of colour sheets, they made toys, fan, fish, flower, house, boat, butterfly, bird, pen stand, hanker, decorate materials, etc., and displayed them with great pleasure and gratification. These activities invoke their imagination and enhance their creative skills.
The paper folding craft was not only a fun-filled experience, but it also gave us how to develop artistic skills, one of the participants – Ms. T. Jovitha, second year M.Sc., Physics of the College pointed out in that programme.
Mrs. V.Archana, Physical Director and Dr. M. Selvi, Librarian, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, served as the judges of the above said programme.
Ms. T. Pradhiksha, second year B.Sc., Physics got the first prize, Ms. S. Yamuna, second year B.Sc., Physics., obtained the second prize and Ms. K. Heaviya, second year B.Sc., Physics & Ms. S. Karthika, first year M.Sc., Physics secured the third place.
Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Coordinator, Silver Jubilee Celebrations, The faculty Members of Physics Dr. B. Lakshmi, Mrs. B. Kavitha, Dr. R. Sakunthaladevi, Mrs. S. Mohanapriya, Mrs. V. Kalaivani, Mrs. K. Saranya, Mrs. S. Sandhiya and Mrs. P. Gowthami also took part in that programme.