Celebration of National Science Day
The Department of Physics in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Trinity College for Women, Namakkal celebrated “National Science Day” on 24th and 28th February 2023 in the College campus. The theme of celebration of National Science Day – Global Science for Global Wellbeing”.
The faculty members of Physics Dr. B. Lakshmi, Mrs. B. Kavitha, Dr. R. Sakunthaladevi, Mrs. S. Mohanapriya, Mrs. K. Akila, Mrs. V. Kalaivani, Ms. K. Saranya conducted the following competitions
1. Speech Competition
2. Quiz Competition
3. Drawing Competition
4. Smart Experiments
All the above said prize winners and participants are congratulated and greeted by Mr. P.K. Sengodan, Chairman, Er. K. Nallusamy, Secretary, Mrs. S. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic and Mr. N.S. Senthilkumar, Administrative Officer.