Best wishes to Ms. S. Preethi
The department of School Education, Namakkal District has honoured and given the “Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Award” to Ms. S. Preethi, third year BCA, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, due to her academic performance and participated in various skill development programmes when she was studying in Plus 2 at Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Namakkal during the academic year 2022-2023.
Apart from the appreciation certificate, she got a cheque for Rs. 20000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only) from the honourable Minister for Adi-Dravida Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu, Dr. Maa. Mathivendan and the Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Mr. K. R. N. Rajeshkumar, in the presence of Mr. P. Ramalingam, Member of Legislative Assembly, Namakkal, Dr. S. Uma, District Collector, Namakkal, Mr. S. Rajesh Kannan, Superintendent of Police, Namakkal District, Mrs. P. Maheswari, Chief Educational Officer, Namakkal, Mr. D. Kalanithi, Mayor of Namakkal Municipal Corporation, Mr. S. Boopathi, Deputy Mayor of Namakkal Municipal Corporation and other Government Officials.
In this continuation, a felicitation function was held on 09th December 2024 on the College campus. Er. K. Nallusamy, Chairman, Er. S. Selvaraj, Secretary, Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director, Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal, Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Coordinator – Silver Jubilee Celebrations, Dr. R. Navamani, Vice-Principal & HOD of undergraduate Computer Science, Dr. N. Elamathi, HOD of Postgraduate department of Computer Science and Mrs. V. Archana, Director of Physical Education, conveyed their greetings to her.