First Year UG – Opening Inaugural function – 07.07.2023
The first year Undergraduate (UG) students (2023-2024 batch) opening inauguration function was held on 7th July 2023 in our Trinity Auditorium.
Er. K. Nallusamy, Chairman of the College, presided over the function.
Er. S. Selvaraj, Secretary, Mrs. Aruna Selvaraj, Executive Director and Dr. Arasuparameswaran, Director – Academic of the College offered their felicitation address. Dr. M.R. Lakshiminarayanan, Principal of the College, welcomed the gathering.
In this newcomers welcome day function, achievements of students in Periyar University Examinations, previous year results of students, Group Insurance Scheme, Value Added Courses, Achievements & got NAAC A plus grade from the UGC, etc., spoke by the Chairman, Secretary, Executive Director, Principal, Director Academic and the faculty members.
Mrs. S. Bhuvaneswari, Assistant Professor in Computer Science proposed the vote of thanks.
More or less 600 No’s of students and their parents attended in this first year inauguration function. All the faculty of the College took part in that programme.