Yoga and meditation programme for the faculty of the College
The Yoga and Meditation Club, in association with the Department of Physical Education, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal, organized a programme titled “Yoga – Mind Body Exercise for Middle-Aged Women” on 28.12.2024. This programme was held for the benefit of faculty members of the College. Mrs. V. Archana, Physical Director & Coordinator, Yoga and Meditation Club, Trinity College for Women, Namakkal was the resource person.
As women, we play a key role in supporting our household and society in myriad ways. Each and every person has a lot of stress because we are living in a competitive world. We must protect our health and mind. Yoga is important for middle-aged women, she pointed out. Also, she explained the various yoga asanas, like tree pose, utkata konasana, mountain pose, triangle pose, virabhadrasana, extended side angle pose, half standing forward bend, legs up the wall, etc. All the faculty members of the college benefited through that programme.